
Self Directed Education has a lot to offer to teenagers, particularly those in the transition stage between primary and secondary age. The teen years are a time of great change for young people, of getting to know oneself more deeply, challenging old ideas and attitudes, and exploring options. It is a time full of potential, of great energy and passion to accomplish, and yet also a very fragile time, because thwarting the natural direction of energies and interests through coercion can derail a young person, causing internal conflict, incongruity, unhappiness, anxiety and a loss of self.


Young people often assume that they must follow the prescribed curriculum and sit the standard exams to get the points to access 3rd level through the CAO. In fact there are a number of routes to adulthood and a successful working life, including 3rd level education if that is what is desired. These include options such as taking state exams as an external candidate, taking international qualifications such as IGCSE or A Levels, following the apprenticeship route, taking QQI courses, or gaining life experience through paid or voluntary work in your area of interest. All of these are attainable through self directed learning. Choosing a path based on genuine interest and passion leads to much deeper learning, better retention, higher satisfaction and a profound sense of personal accomplishment. At Sligo Sudbury School students are in charge of their own learning. Staff provide counsel and support, and act as a resource of knowledge, information, and skills for students to call on as needed. We help each student to navigate challenges, to reflect on their successes and failures, and to take responsibility for their learning.

Get in touch with us anytime to find out more and if this model of education might be right for you.